We have been blessed with Neil as both a part of our team of writers and one of bedtime storytellers. Neil very graciously and generously shares with us his much acclaimed story, The Flower in the Desert. It is a beautiful, gentle story of young boy journeying into adulthood, many layered, and although oriented more toward young adult, the tender nature of the story will be enjoyed by younger people, particularly when being read in Neil’s soft and soothing tone.
The Flower in the Desert is also available in French, German and Italian on Kindle.
These Bedtime Stories are the seeds of a vision for creating a Better World Story, one of Freedom, Love, Beauty, Imagination, Empowerment and Peace.
They are a part of our A Thousand Grandparents & Bedtimes Stories project, which in turn forms part of our developing project Peacing Together.
You can support this growing vision by becoming a Peacemaker Member or Sponsor.
Neil is the author of six books, a journalist, broadcaster and Journey Practitioner. CLICK HERE to find out more about his work and writing.