The Delight Makers Foundation
Our vision is a world where there is easy and ready access to tools for inner peace and happiness, in a format that is friendly and easily assimilated by all, without boundaries or exclusions. Our understanding, is that to end human suffering, humanity must liberate itself from the conditioning, patterns of consciousness and thinking that drive that suffering; from inner peace we can create peace in the world.
“A human being is part of a whole, called by us the Universe, a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feelings, as something separated from the rest – a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circles of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty.”
Albert Einstein
The Foundation Stones of Our Foundation
Described below
are the four core precepts that are the basis of the Delight Maker
organisation. They build upon one key point – that we, as humanity, are a part
of nature and not apart from nature:-
- The
universe is an awesome, magical, mystery of Delight Making of which all beings
are participants. On a metaphysical level humans are beings here to dance in a
matter, experience the physical, to learn, to perceive, to create, to play,
open to the oneness of life and to lighten up.
- Essentially
there are only two states of being human; one is suffering and can be healed.
There is the Awakened Enchanted Heart, or the Confused Heart. All other descriptions are window dressing;
labels (race, gender, nationality etc) that only serve to enforce the illusions
of separation and difference that satisfy the small sense of a separate self.
- What
we perceive to be the outside world is a reflection of our inner reality. To
manifest a world of delight filled living we must change our consciousness, our
inner world.
- Humanity’s
real wealth can best be measured and realised by gauging the level of laughter
in the world’s children; by seeing them run carefree, joyful, awe filled and at
peace with the world.
The Charity’s Objectives
- Advance the education of the public in particular but not limited to the subjects of human consciousness, wisdom, peace and enlightenment.
- Advance the arts, culture and heritage for the public benefit.
- Relieve those in need in particular through the use of self awareness techniques.
- Advance life, educate and to relieve the needs of young people in particular but not limited to the provision of support and activities which develop their skills capacities and capabilities and which should enable them to participate in society as mature and responsible individuals.
- Promote for the benefit of the public of the conservation protection and improvement of the physical and natural environment.
- Promote such other charitable purposes (charitable under English law) as the directors see fit from time to time.
Our projects will use as many approaches of communication and channels of engagement as available, to enable us to build rapport with as great a diversity of people as possible.
Our funds will be used to deliver projects, education and events to people and places that would not normally have access to such opportunities both within the UK and internationally.