Finding Your Voice

By Deva Premal

What a blessing to be able to sit with Deva and Miten to hear the origins of a life path that would come to bring so much healing and joy to millions of people the world over.

Music of the Soul, an Ancient Medicine for Our Time

The story is framed around the Gayatri Mantra. The name ‘Gayatri’ can be translated as the ‘Song of Liberation’. It is said to be the most ancient of the mantras, an indigenous prayer to the sun asking for the enlightenment of all beings. It invokes the radiant source of life itself, purifying our thoughts, words and actions.

The inherent light force of the Sanskrit sounds is universal – just as every living being on the planet lives under the same sun and receives the same light, so the Gayatri shines eternally on our inner path, lighting the way, blessing our journey.

These Bedtime Stories are the seeds of a vision for creating a Better World Story, one of Freedom, Love, Beauty, Imagination, Empowerment and Peace. They are a part of our A Thousand Grandparents & Bedtimes Stories project, which in turn forms part of our developing project Peacing Together. You can support this growing vision by becoming a Peacemaker Member or Sponsor.


Deva & Miten offer sacred global gatherings with a temple-like environment, where music is not an ego-driven performance, but rather, a portal to contemplation, inner peace, and heart-centered connection.

As the musicians chant the core of mantra and improvise with instruments, all those assembled participate with their voices – making each gathering a unique work of art, an interweaving of humanity, and an offering to the Divine, as well as an antidote to the isolation, stress, and chaos afflicting so many in today’s world.

Against the backdrop of cutting-edge research in music and epigenetics, where scientific studies have proven the efficacy of “lifestyle medicine” in treating mental and physical health issues, those touched by Deva Premal & Miten’s albums and musical gatherings have written in to share dramatic shifts in their lives – including spontaneous improvement in, or even complete resolution of, chronic health issues – thereby validating the power of mantra to heal the world, one chant at a time.